Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Friday, March 26, 2010

Ode to Chocolat

Go ahead, it's Friday ;)

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Tuesday Nite Phone Call

It's my niece Kennedy on the line, and she is reading me a story for the first time.

She went from not being able to sit up on her own to a five-year old little girl who reads to aunty.

I'm so proud [big grin, teary eye]

My Homeo: Private Party

The middle of a Sunday afternoon, about an hour and a half south of Atlanta, he and I are rolling on the freeway - rocking like we usually do. I'm fighting sleep in the passenger seat when my phone rings - my foto session has to reschedule. Ah, no biggie, I still have another. Fast forward 15 minutes or so and the next session cancels. I'm pouting now because the light is oh-so-sweet and I rented camera equipment for those sessions....that have been cancelled. He doesn't even have to look over to see the disappointment on my face...he knows it. And before the words - the one that are stuck in my throat and wrapped around a tear ball in the middle - shatter out all over the sunny day and smooth ride we are having, he says..."it will be okay, it happens sometimes".

And I don't know why when he says it, I always believe him. Whether it's the little scratch that I really thought was a laceration in need of surgery or the extra $10 to have lunch the rest of the week - "it will be okay, it happens sometimes".

That and more is why he is my homeo - my father, my dad, my Daddy O.

He so graciously took the place of my cancellations that day, and this is what happened when "it happens sometimes"......

Sulaiman&Sakeena: Family Session: Part 2

Here is the Part 2 for the amazingly awesome family.

My apologies for the delay, I ran into some technical snags, but things are pretty good now :)

Without further ado......