Tuesday, March 16, 2010

My Homeo: Private Party

The middle of a Sunday afternoon, about an hour and a half south of Atlanta, he and I are rolling on the freeway - rocking like we usually do. I'm fighting sleep in the passenger seat when my phone rings - my foto session has to reschedule. Ah, no biggie, I still have another. Fast forward 15 minutes or so and the next session cancels. I'm pouting now because the light is oh-so-sweet and I rented camera equipment for those sessions....that have been cancelled. He doesn't even have to look over to see the disappointment on my face...he knows it. And before the words - the one that are stuck in my throat and wrapped around a tear ball in the middle - shatter out all over the sunny day and smooth ride we are having, he says..."it will be okay, it happens sometimes".

And I don't know why when he says it, I always believe him. Whether it's the little scratch that I really thought was a laceration in need of surgery or the extra $10 to have lunch the rest of the week - "it will be okay, it happens sometimes".

That and more is why he is my homeo - my father, my dad, my Daddy O.

He so graciously took the place of my cancellations that day, and this is what happened when "it happens sometimes"......


  1. I love it TEARSSSSS!!!very nice touched my heart.

  2. Hello Joi,

    Fabulous pictures of your father, I love your work and hope to be able to book with you soon, you have an amazing eye and have a way of giving attention to detail.

  3. This is sooooooo good. I can't find the words to express what I feel for both the father and daughter...except I love you both so very much. God Bless

    Ma & Grandma

  4. Hey girl, your dad shared this with me this weekend. All I can say is that it's wonderful and I am very impressed. My son will be contacting you about putting together his portfolio.

  5. Thank you for all the lovely comments! Love you too Grandma ;)

  6. WOW! God is always up and through....You do awesome work and you have an awesome father! HOMEO!

  7. awww!!! joi you got me in tears girl! ima need tou to start blogging again! pronto! :D
